Broccoli Mash: The Easy Way To Love A Classic

posted in: Sides 0

Broccoli mash came into our lives by accident. We had a bag of frozen broccoli sitting in the back of the freezer. I’m gonna say it’s been there more than 6 months. No judgement please. A huge part of being a plant-based advocate means finding new ways to love classic foods that I grew up with. It ain’t … Read More

Caramel Apple Pops? Make Them Homemade And Vegan!

posted in: Desserts, Recipes 0

The caramel apple is popular for about one month during the calendar year. October 31st just happens to be National Caramel Apple Day. Did you know it was invented by Dan Walker in the 1950s? It gets better. He was an employee at Kraft at the time. Yes Kraft, the same people that brought you the macaroni and … Read More

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