Stress: Going Green Could Keep You From Seeing Red

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Stress can lead to failing physical and mental health. Women may experience higher levels of stress than men because of the multiple hats we wear. We are more often than not juggling several roles including mom, caregiver and head of household. It’s well documented that African-Americans are more likely to experience stress due to discrimination, exposure to violence, inadequate housing and lack of access to appropriate health care.

Stress in the workplace from toxic supervisors and/or co-workers can make just going in a daily chore. Even working from home can cause stress if we don’t create proper boundaries to ensure that work products and work tasks don’t blend into personal and family time. I’ve been there.

How Green Can You Go?

Those curious about plant-based foods are often torn between being a vegetarian and being a vegan. That’s stressful enough. Black Girls Eat has a focus on ensuring that we are putting more plants on our plate. Plants around the home are peaceful as well but that’s not what I mean. When I say plants, I mean fruits, grains and vegetables. And yes, most of the time I’m talking about foods like yams, black beans, rice and collard greens.  Labels? Not so much. LOL! But I don’t want to stress out our readers who like labels. So here goes. 

The words plant based in white on a green background

A plant-based diet puts the focus on fruits, vegetables and grains. Otherwise known as plants! The plants come first. Meat, seafood, dairy, eggs, oils, salts and sugars are typically minimized or not found on the plate at all.

For clarification, a vegetarian does not eat meat but does consume a diet of fruits, grains, vegetables and nuts while possibly continuing to eat animal products including seafood, milk, cheese and eggs. A vegan has decided not to eat any kind of animal product including all meat, seafood and dairy. For many, honey is on the list of won’t have foods as it is a by-product of a living organism. For some, the vegan lifestyle  extends to clothing, furniture and jewelry.

Plants Can Reduce Stress

Research has shown that meat, dairy and eggs can cause inflammation in the body. That’s how I got started on this journey into plant-based foods. Many of the foods found in a plant-based diet are high in antioxidants and they naturally contribute to reduced stress and improved moods. Magnesium plays a key role in regulating stress and anxiety. Foods high in magnesium include: dark leafy greens, salmon, avocado, dark chocolate, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds.  

Get Your Glow On

Vitamin A, C, E and antioxidants are a few of the reasons why your skin might to glow when you choose plant-based foods. Do you ever stress about how much water you are drinking each day? Did you know that in addition to drinking water, you can eat your water? Yep, many fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients, full of antioxidants and are made of mostly water. Consider adding more cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, apples, broccoli and oranges to your plate. They are all made up of over 85% water.

Think Stress Free

When it comes to brain power, foods such as kale, spinach, collard greens and broccoli are packed with vitamin K, lutein, folate and beta carotene.  Omega 3 fatty acids may help to lower blood pressure, prevent and or manage heart disease and promote brain health. Salmon is a great weapon against cognitive decline but if you are skipping fish, try flaxseeds, avocados and walnuts which also contain great amounts of Omega 3 for brain power.

Vegan? Vegetarian? Plant-Based or Flexitarian? No matter which you choose, there are great benefits to going green or getting greener!

LA is a plant-based advocate from the Bronx. Want to stay connected?

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