Plant Based Eating Can Support Your New Year Resolution

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After the year we had, I swore that I would not make any kind of resolution at the end of December. I was grateful for sanity. Between working from home, managing the family and nurturing a new puppy, I wasn’t ready to make any kind of commitments. But, as I stood staring at the refrigerator, I realized that the one resolution that I’d be willing to make, had everything to do with me. I decided that I would continue to prioritize my own health and wellness in 2021.

Before I started leaning into plant-based nutrition, my idea of starting the day off on the right foot was all about a cup of coffee. I’m so grateful that I discovered the Splendid Spoon Wellness, Digestion and Detox Shots. Each morning starts with three ounces of pure goodness as the ingredients include many of the all stars like morninga, spirulina, apple cider vinegar, tumeric and oregano extract. I’m glad they figured out the formula because I can promise you that I have zero time to measure ingredients and blend these shots for myself.

While working from home this year, I realized early on that I was replicating the same habits I had when I was in the office. I wasn’t having a proper lunch hour and I continued to eat at my desk. My body and I began fighting inflammation a few years ago and one of the reasons that I started feeling so much pain was because I wasn’t paying attention to what I was eating. I really do believe that when you know better, you do better. Splendid Spoon and their ready made soups, grain bowls and noodles helped me make wiser food choices and that’s what I am going to count on in the New Year.

I get excited when a new box arrives. I have a lot of fun moving everything around in the refrigerator to make room for my ready made plant-based treasures. I look forward to kicking off the New Year with two of my favorites, Roasted Cauliflower Bowl and Butternut Tumeric Soup. And did I mention how awesome it is to open the fridge and grab a smoothie without reaching for my blender? No slicing, no dicing. No excuses.

The New Year will bring new work assignments, my daughter’s online remote classes and hubby holding conference calls in the basement. The puppy will still need to be walked and household chores will be plenty. It will get really busy but I have no worries that I will prioritize my New Year resolution. My refrigerator will be fully stocked with Splendid Spoon goodness and will serve as a daily reminder of my commitment. I feel good about that.

LA Dunn is a plant-based advocate with a focus on helping Black women and families make healthier food choices. Find her @blackgirlseat and at