I launched my first blog, www.heyladrye.com way back in 2013. I enjoyed ranting and raving about worklife and found lots of women who identified with what I had to say. Eventually, I began writing about mommylife and wifelife. I was evolving and learning how to be a wife and a mom. In 2017, my body started hurting every where. After taking thousands of dollars in tests, I began to take a closer look at inflammation and the foods that may cause it. I started moving away from meat and pre-packaged foods. I took courses in plant based nutrition. Once I understood how unhealthy some of my favorite foods were, it was over for me.
My hubby is a good cook, and our daughter Taryn is a foodie. Both of them were happy to be on the food journey with me. Taryn will absolutely walk into a party and ask if there’s any hummus onsite. But even with that, I started getting curious about organic foods, whole foods and superfoods. That’s how Black Girls Eat became a reality for me.
As I started bouncing around farmer’s markets I realized that there were so many foods and food combinations that never saw my childhood dining room table in the Bronx. I realized that I couldn’t be the only one who didn’t know that brussels sprouts started out on a stalk! Or that there was even an “s” at the end of brussel! I knew that I wanted to create a site and build a supportive community for women who wanted to change their eating habits, but I was not interested in creating a boring list of recipes.
If you know anything about me, then you know that I’m looking for the fun. As a result, I will be doing things differently on this blog. There will be more photos, more videos and a whole lot of adventures. I’m going to take you with me every step of the way girlfriend!
I enjoy cooking. I’m happy to share my experiences and recipes with you. Hey, if any of it helps you and your family eat a little better, I’m here for that with a big high five!
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